Training: Emergency first aid at work

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Hub on Rye Hill, Kiln Dr, Rye TN31 7SQ
£30pp inc. lunch
Spaces limited: to book email

Emergency First Aid at Work courses held in the South East will train delegates to a level of skill and confidence to deal with basic life saving in emergency situations before medical backup arrives.

Some of the situations covered are:

  • Health & Safety (First Aid) regulations
  • Dealing with an incident
  • First Aid – priorities
  • Managing an unconscious casualty
  • Shock
  • Seizures
  • Choking
  • Bleeding
  • Common injuries in the work environment.
  • AED (Defibrillator) and the use of Auto Injectors (Epi Pen) is included

Gain comprehensive knowledge to protect you and your colleagues from a wide range of common problems such as choking, poisoning, electrocution, broken limbs, heart attacks, low blood sugar etc.

Courses for emergency first aid at work in the South East are held at a location that suits you and are always lighthearted and enjoyable, full of active participation to reinforce your knowledge.

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