Age-Friendly Rother

Age-Friendly Communities

The WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities connects cities, communities and organisations across the world that support the full participation of older people in community life and promote healthy and active ageing.

The Centre for Ageing Better identifies that Age-friendly communities are places where people of all ages can live healthy and active lives. These places make it possible for people to continue to stay in their homes, participate in the activities that they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible.

Creating age-friendly communities involves older residents, local groups, councils, and businesses working together to improve their community.

Key features of an age-friendly community include good transport, outdoor spaces, volunteering and employment opportunities, leisure and community services.


An application was made by Rother District Council to join the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities in the summer of 2021 and was approved in September of the same year.

Rother District Council have made a five-year commitment to the Age Friendly Communities Programme.


The Age-friendly Communities framework includes eight domains, or areas, that places can address to improve their structures and services to meet older people’s needs and all of us as we age.

The eight domains of age-friendly are all the aspects of community life that need to be considered when making your plans. The scale and pace of improvements you decide to take are determined by what is needed in your place.

All eight domains interlink but can be viewed as two main spheres covering the social and the built environment.

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings. The outside environment and public buildings have a major impact on independence and happiness in later life.

  • Transportation. Whether using public services or alternative options, transportation is a key issue for people in later life.

  • Housing. Housing and support allows people in later life to age comfortably and safely within their community.

  • Social participation. Social participation is strongly connected to good health and wellbeing throughout life.

  • Respect and social inclusion. Feeling valued and respected is important for older people from all backgrounds.

  • Civic participation and employment. An age-friendly community provides options for people in later life to contribute back to it.

  • Civic participation and employment. An age-friendly community provides options for people in later life to contribute back to it.

  • Community support and health services. Community support is strongly connected to good health and wellbeing throughout life, alongside accessible and affordable health care services.


Age-Friendly Volunteering in Rye and Robertsbridge

We are currently looking for people like you to undertake a range of new volunteer roles.

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