Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE)

HAIRE aims to empower older people to help shape their community for their future – thinking about keeping active, combatting loneliness, looking at future challenges and designing services and support that genuinely build on the strengths and needs of local people.

HAIRE engages volunteers to hold conversations that provide the information that can change services as well as working in local communities to make sure people can stay independent for as long as possible.

Making it Happen

Making it Happen helps people make positive changes in their community. We can help with:

Information sharing and signposting – to specialist advice, support and provision.

Intelligence gathering

Exploring project ideas with you and helping to link with wider networks, expert advice and funding opportunities.

Supporting volunteers –around staying safe and good practice, supported and helpful tools and resources.

If you have an idea and would like to set something up in Bexhill Central, Sackville, Pebsham, St Michael’s or Eastern Rother – pleas do get in touch via

I Know How

I‑KNOW‑HOW aims to smooth the way for people who receive a diagnosis of cancer to remain in or return to work. We aim to create tools that support:

  • Employers
  • Health Care professionals
  • Job coaches

The Project has 3 components:

  • The development of an interactive web portal.
  • Personal coaching and support for individuals with a cancer diagnosis.
  • Coaching for employers to improve the experience of employees with cancer.

If you can help us make these resources even more effective, do not hesitate to get in touch with We are particularly looking for people who either have employed someone with a cancer diagnosis or an employee who has returned or stayed in work with a cancer diagnosis. Your input would be so valuable.